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You're here:  Montreal > Services > Construction > RENOVATION CNS INC. *FULLY INSURED*
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Date Posted: 8/14/2013 8:57:45 PM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: renovationcns  
Address: Boul. St. Jean, Pointe Claire, Quebec  
We at Renovation CNS INC are a professional team of contractors with over 25 years of experience in the business. Our project managers will work closely along with you to accomplish a project to your exact specifications. They are very experienced in the field and can suggest many different options, allowing you to chose the one that best suits your vision. Also our support team is available 24/7 if ever you have questions to keep your mind at ease until your project is complete. We are experienced in general renovation from demolition & protection to framing walls, installation of drywall, plaster, painting, installation of flooring (hardwood, laminate & tile). From smaller projects like custom tables & cabinetry to much larger projects such as a complete basement or bathroom renovation. For quality results, choose the CNS team!

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